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Valentine’s Day 2013

Love is patient, love is kind, love is felt most when it’s genuine! As we approach Valentine’s day 2013 let’s remember show love to every human being. Be kind to those who have lost loved ones, or who maybe separated from loved ones.
I know you may be reading this to get ideas as to what to do for that special someone, but to be honest you already know just what you do!
If you don’t, here are a few ideas:
If your significant other has kids, find a babysitter for the night.
Prepare a meal- now try to remember what is your loved ones favorite meal and prepare it. If you can’t cook find a friend who can and ask them to prepare it for you. And hey you can claim the work for yourself to score extra point! Or you can pre-order at his/her’s favorite restaurant and serving in fancy plates.
Its a special occasion so add a bottle of wine, champagne, non-alcoholic if that’s your preference.
*Remember* to sit and talk look back at the year you both spent together, love together hey I even dare you to cry together. However don’t let this journey down memory lane cause you to end up in an argument. Keep it light and let some stuff go.
Now after talking then comes dessert and chocolate is a staple of Valentine’s day. But you don’t have to make her/him feel so guilty after all that food ! You can simply take advantage of SW Xotic fruits delectables for Valentine’s day. We are offering a Valentine’s Day Platter you’ll get:
3 pineapple slices dipped in chocolate,
3 cheesecake stuffed strawberry,
3 chocolate covered cheesecake stuffed strawberry
3 chocolate covered strawberry
And 6 fruit truffles
Now you maybe thinking this is going to be expensive but wait it only cost JA$2000.
Or try our other Valentine’s day special get 1 dozen fruit truffles, 1 underwear, and a color changing candle for only JA$900.
All other products will still be available for Valentine’s Day. And remember show love all 365/366 days of the year. Live each day as if were your last!

Love you Like East Indian Mango!!!

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2012 Saw us doing some great work! We added new products to our already expanding line, great products such as cheesecake stuffed strawberry and fruit truffles. We had some major ups and downs BUT with Jesus’ help we are moving forward into 2013 with even bigger goals and experimenting more to offer you new products.

With tears in my eyes, I can truly say we are very grateful to all our fan/customers for a wonderful year. You have made waking up and being creative worthwhile! Thanks for the support, likes, comments and suggestions.
For the New Year we pray that you and yours will be safe and continue to choose Xotic Fruits. We look forward to being more creative just for you.

AND look out for our Valentine’s Day Special, we have tons in stored for that day.

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Why my drops not dark?

So in my back yard I have this coconut tree, which no one climbs, so no one gets any of this delicious fruit. Since week the gardener came and so I decided to let him pick a few for me. When he was finished he said there was a few dry ones and I thought why not try to make some drops!

So I set out to find my recipe and got started on cutting up the coconuts.
Recipe taken from
Now, first of all, I was making them for my home and for me I hate the brown part of the coconut meat so I cut them off

Then proceeded to follow the recipe, view link above for this. Added everything to the pot and started watching it! In search of the right recipe, I did come across a site that told you, it should cook for 20-30 mins. In the midst of this my daughter kept asking is it done yet! is it!, is it!

So after an agonizing 30 minutes it was done! YEAH ME! But then I started looking at it and thinking this really doesn’t look like the ones I see in the store but then things commercially made sometimes doesn’t look like what you make at home. However, they were tasty and my daughter loved it but it really bother me that they weren’t as dark so I started wondering if those other persons put Browning in it. YES THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT! Then my mom was saying maybe it’s because I cut off the brown part of the coconut who knows? All I know is they tasted great and the kids in my house are eating the up like crazy.

Oh yeah I need to show you the finished product right!
Well here it is!!

Yes I dropped them on banana leave! That’s the real Jamaican way!

And my Beautiful Taster! She could hardly wait to do this!



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So I went to visit a friend the other day and we were talking about what is new in our lives.  She advised me that she would be starting a new diet and that it was a fruit diet I thought to myself However, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to research this diet.

While doing the research I found several information, supporting this diet and as usual there were person out there with their own research that say it doesn’t work. While I cannot say that this will guarantee the same results for everybody it is worth a try. At least you’ll know you are putting something good into your bodies. Now it’s not that you will not be eating food from the other food group however the majority of your diet will make up of fruits. Also while doing the research I also I came across this Healthy eating 5-A-DAY fruit and vegetable option and thought this sounded more like me.

So basically what you should do is eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.  Based on research it was shown that eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day has very real health benefits. It can help to prevent heart diseases and some cancers. Evidence shows however, that many of us are not listening to this healthy eating advice.

I figured why not try this because I really did realize that if you eat smaller portions and more frequently you do lose a few pounds. I have a 9 month old baby and that is what I did for a few months and surprisingly lost all the baby weight. So this will be eating more snack which would be the fruits and vegetable and by doing this when you go to eat the bigger meals you won’t need to eat as much as before.

So for the next couple of post I will provide you with some information about the healthier way and then at the end I’m going to try it for myself. I REALLY HOPE YOU CAN JOIN ME!!!

Until next time..
Luv you like East Indian Mango!

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Its GUINEP Season!!! Yeah Me!!!

So its finally the Guinep season and yesterday I tried my first for this year season. And boy would I advice you to wait until we get further into the season. It was ‘stainy’ and sour an serve me right for trying the first one I saw.

Well that aside, Guineps are one of my favorite fruit, I especially like the ones that comes off the seed VERY easily. I can remember the year I was pregnant with my daughter I was working in the New Kingston area and there was this guy around the road who had the most delicious Guineps EVER. My mother-in-law would always get them for me and I mean if she went on the road 10 times she would take a bunch or two to me every time (Gosh I miss those days). They were really the best and there was also this woman on Old Hope Road who had a good bunch too.

Listen my navel string must have been cut under a Guinep Tree cause just writing about it is making my mouth salivate. But enough about me and a little more on the Guinep. Did you know? that there are FOUR TYPES OF GUINEP.

The first type is round, of medium size, the guinep fruit flesh is firm, semi-dry. The guinep flesh separates easily from the guinep seed and is extremely sweet.

The next variety is also of medium size but the guinep rind is medium-thick and the guinep flesh firm but semi-dry. The flesh separates easily from guinep seed and the flesh is extremely sweet.

The third variety is round, oblong and small the guinep rind is thin and pliable. The guinep flesh is firm, semi-dry and separates easily from the guinep seed and is very sweet.

The fourth variety is round, medium-small and the guinep rind thin. The guinep flesh is firm, semi-dry, separating easily from Jamaican guinep seed; however Jamaican guinep has a fair amount of acid and is slightly sweet.

Did you know that the guinep seeds can be eaten? if roasted. Indians of the Orinoco consume the cooked guinep seeds as a substitute for cassava. Spanish line (guinep) is eaten fresh by popping the guinep fruit out of the peel and chewing the juicy Jamaican guinep pulp off the Jamaican guinep seed. Also used to make juice, jam, jelly, and liquor called “bilí”. The Jamaican guinep seeds are reportedly edible, but are very astringent. If anyone knows of the company or someone who make the Jam, Jelly or the Liquor from the Guinep Please don’t hestiate to let me know.

Until Next Time….
LOVE you LIKE East Indian Mango


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Getting to know us!!

Sashana Riley, Manager and Owner of SW Xotic Fruits, formerly an Educator and Client Relation Professional, she displays exemplary value and virtue of hard work, determination and humility.

It has always been a passion of hers to turn ordinary into extraordinary and with that motivation turned her passion into a profession.  She is a Jill of most trade and master of very few however she believes that you should never say no to any task unless you have tried it and find that it is not your best suit.  Her passion includes baking, cooking and interior decor.


Company Biography:

The idea to make Fruit arrangement all stemmed from me wanting to provide my husband with a birthday experience he’d never forget. I thought it would be a perfect alternative to flowers especially for my husband.  I sat out to provide him with the most appetizing and delectable Breakfast, Yes breakfast, that I could think of.  That was in 2009, and I didn’t make another or even thought about it again until the following year when he wanted to give his mom a Fruit Arrangement for her birthday.  So I made a beautiful arrangement for her and he delivered it to her office, lo and behold my first order came from that small gesture by my husband to treat his mom.  At the time not formally trained in this I made that arrangement and then my husband and I sat down and started thinking about starting a business. We went back and forth with the idea, suggested to friends and sought advice and by the end of 2011 we were looking at ways to get established and promoting our business.

We are still not a household name yet but we believe that the quality of work we produce; it will only be a matter of time before everyone is talking about us. We are currently working on setting up a physical location so that we can cater to those walk in customers.  We are a small company wanting to make a difference in the selection of Gifts we have available to persons in Jamaica and we believe in our product.

What recent products are your proudest of?

Our latest product to be added to our line-up is Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Also our Fruit Truffles. It is made of Apple and Pear balls dipped in the finest dark or white chocolate some covered with coconut, almonds or topping of your choice.


June 26, 2012 · 3:37 am

Hello world!

A dream finally came through! We have a blog! Thank you for viewing Jamaica’s Edible Fruit arrangement first post and please follow us so you can see all our upcoming post.

What is in store for the Blog?

Well it is all about documenting our journey in becoming a household name. Noting the ups and down and everything in between.

Hey please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or like us Facebook and also follow us on Twitter


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