Its GUINEP Season!!! Yeah Me!!!

So its finally the Guinep season and yesterday I tried my first for this year season. And boy would I advice you to wait until we get further into the season. It was ‘stainy’ and sour an serve me right for trying the first one I saw.

Well that aside, Guineps are one of my favorite fruit, I especially like the ones that comes off the seed VERY easily. I can remember the year I was pregnant with my daughter I was working in the New Kingston area and there was this guy around the road who had the most delicious Guineps EVER. My mother-in-law would always get them for me and I mean if she went on the road 10 times she would take a bunch or two to me every time (Gosh I miss those days). They were really the best and there was also this woman on Old Hope Road who had a good bunch too.

Listen my navel string must have been cut under a Guinep Tree cause just writing about it is making my mouth salivate. But enough about me and a little more on the Guinep. Did you know? that there are FOUR TYPES OF GUINEP.

The first type is round, of medium size, the guinep fruit flesh is firm, semi-dry. The guinep flesh separates easily from the guinep seed and is extremely sweet.

The next variety is also of medium size but the guinep rind is medium-thick and the guinep flesh firm but semi-dry. The flesh separates easily from guinep seed and the flesh is extremely sweet.

The third variety is round, oblong and small the guinep rind is thin and pliable. The guinep flesh is firm, semi-dry and separates easily from the guinep seed and is very sweet.

The fourth variety is round, medium-small and the guinep rind thin. The guinep flesh is firm, semi-dry, separating easily from Jamaican guinep seed; however Jamaican guinep has a fair amount of acid and is slightly sweet.

Did you know that the guinep seeds can be eaten? if roasted. Indians of the Orinoco consume the cooked guinep seeds as a substitute for cassava. Spanish line (guinep) is eaten fresh by popping the guinep fruit out of the peel and chewing the juicy Jamaican guinep pulp off the Jamaican guinep seed. Also used to make juice, jam, jelly, and liquor called “bilí”. The Jamaican guinep seeds are reportedly edible, but are very astringent. If anyone knows of the company or someone who make the Jam, Jelly or the Liquor from the Guinep Please don’t hestiate to let me know.

Until Next Time….
LOVE you LIKE East Indian Mango


Filed under BLOG POST

3 responses to “Its GUINEP Season!!! Yeah Me!!!

  1. I’ve Never had Guinep, but I would love to try it.

    • Really!! you should come to Jamaica during summer or just around September and try it. As long as its a sweet batch you enjoy it unless you go for the sour taste then you have no problems. Best Regards, Sashana Riley Manager SW Xotic Fruits Tel:440-5307


  2. G. H.

    I live in Southern California and I am looking for a guinep seed ot a tree to plant. Do you know where I could locate one? I am a Jamaican and I love guineps but am unable to locate them here in CAlifornia.

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